Coffee machine descaler

2 tabs (suitable for 2 cleanings)

Sit back with a delicious cup of coffee while you make the world a tab cleaner with the EzeeTabs Coffee machine descaler!

Did you know that descaling your coffee machine can be detrimental to the planet? Of course, that could never be the goal of a great cup of coffee. With the coffee machine descaler tabs, you can make your coffee machine and the planet a little cleaner. Put a tab in your coffee machine, run the cleaning programme and you will powerfully remove limescale residues without harmful substances. You can also dissolve the tabs in 450-500 ml lukewarm water and pour this into the water tank. The tabs are suitable for all (fully automatic) coffee and espresso machines, but also for water kettles and milk frothers.

How to use:
EzeeTabs is full of cleaning power and perfect for people who can take on any cleaning challenge with respect for nature. So put a tab in your machine and start the cleaning program OR dissolve the tab in 450-500 ml lukewarm (30°C) water and bring the cleaning liquid into the water tank. Consult the user manual of your machine before you start to clean. Let’s create a cleaner planet tab by tab.

Contains maleic acid and perfumes.

Our claims


EzeeTabs uses only natural ingredients. All substances comply with OECD guidelines, meaning they are readily biodegradable. But what does this entail? All ingredients have passed a strict test to check whether the material breaks down fast enough. If the substance has broken down within 28 days, it meets the requirements. In fact, most substances in EzeeTabs are broken down within 10 days. In short, all ingredients can return to nature without negative effects.

Reuse bottles

By using tabs, you can refill any suitable spray bottle each time. Not only is this convenient for yourself, nature is also very happy about this. The advantages of reusing your (plastic) bottle: 1. Less waste. The consequence of reusing a bottle is obviously that you throw away fewer bottles, thus creating less waste. Less (plastic) waste in landfills and oceans! 2. It saves costs. You invest less in bottles. Also, a tab as a refill is often cheaper than liquid detergent in a bottle made of disposable plastic. So the longer you use EzeeTabs, the more money you save! 3. It's Ezee! When your bottle is empty, you can simply refill it with a new tab at home. This is much easier than buying a new bottle each time or storing many bottles. 4. You save on resources! By reusing a bottle, you reduce the amount of energy and resources used to produce new bottles. In short, a reusable (plastic) bottle is a win-win situation for you and the environment.

Non-toxic ingredients

EzeeTabs contains no toxic ingredients that are harmful to nature. Result: a clean house and environment!


Microplastics are used in many cleaning products for thorough cleaning. For example, it is used in detergent to get stains out of clothes. However, microplastics actually make the planet a lot dirtier. They are not biodegradable and can easily accumulate in the ocean. What good is a clean shirt to you then? We chose not to use microplastics. Other techniques are used to make high-quality tabs so you can enjoy a clean home!

Low carbon footprint

The tabs have a very low carbon footprint for two main reasons: 1. No water transportation. Imagine a truck full of bottles of liquid detergent and a truck full of tablets. With the truck full of tablets, you can obviously transport a lot more cleaning products per trip. Because water is not transported with EzeeTabs, there are 97% fewer CO₂ emissions than with traditional liquid detergents. 2. Low CDV. When an ingredient is easily biodegradable, it releases less carbon like CO₂.


Only vegetable, no animal, ingredients are used for EzeeTabs. The tabs are therefore environmentally and animal-friendly. A clean planet for you and your environment!

How it works

Tab by tab


It has never been easier to descale your coffee machine (even parts that are harder to access). Place the tablet, dissolve it in lukewarm water, and rinse or press a button and let the cleaning program do the rest.

Effective cleaning

All of EzeeTabs’ ingredients can return to nature without negative effects. This is particularly important in cleaning the appliance which makes your coffee. Moreover, EzeeTabs has at least the same cleaning power as traditional cleaners. With EzeeTabs, effective and sustainable cleaning is affordable for everyone.

Longer lifespan

If you don’t descale your coffee machine often enough, you run the risk of blockages and malfunctions occurring. The advice is to descale the machine 4 times a year (depending on the water hardness). This not only extends the lifespan of the coffee machine but also improves its performance. What more could you want? A small tip: read the user manual of your machine before cleaning it.


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EzeeTabs International B.V.
Prismalaan West 27
2665 PC Bleiswijk
The Netherlands

A cleaner planet
tab by tab.


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